Thursday 17 July 2014

Animation Series - What is Storyboarding?

What is Storyboarding?

Storyboards are essentially a visual guide to the script in a movie, a vital part of the process. Animated films use storyboards extensively; these are among the biggest components of bringing a story to life.

Storyboards are a scene-by-scene creation of a movie's screenplay. They are drawn as rough sketches by artists to give cinematographers and directors guidance in the creation of a film. Typically, every camera shot and planned angle will be drawn out in a storyboard so it almost flows like a movie.

A single storyboard is made up of several elements. The first is the scene itself. Characters are drawn into the scene, and unless it is necessary, the background is usually absent. One of the corners features a scene number and letter to keep track of the storyboards, and there may be a small description underneath. Storyboards also feature arrows to signal camera movements or actor movements within the scene.

Take a look at these links to find out more:

Storyboarding tutorial #1

Storyboarding tutorial #2

Storyboarding tutorial #3

Storyboarding tutorial #4

In our next series we would take a look at how to create storyboards and the different kinds of storyboards

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